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Read full story The U.S. military is forming a 30-person "quick strike team" equipped to provide direct treatment to Ebola patients inside the United States, a Defense Department official told CNN's Barbara Starr on Sunday. Full story

 Featured Generator

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 Featured "Go-Bag"

Read more, and find out Oprah's secret... Ensure that what you need goes with you when you're on the go by carrying the RUSH 12™ Backpack Read Ad!

 Best Survival Guns

Go to our music section now! What makes a good survival gun? Well, there's no one perfect survival gun, because each life-or-death situation is different. But at the very least, it should thrive in tough conditions and shoot commonly available ammo. Continue reading!

 Civilian MRE’s are a better option

Check out our recipe section The commercial sale of Civilian MRE’s is not restricted like the military MREs. You can buy from legitimate dealers, not eBay sellers who may be selling you old or fake MRE’s.
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